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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Page 19

A new year!

A lot have happened since my last update, like Christmas, my 18th mark, new year, band concert, just to name a few. It's been an awesome time though!

I'm left with 13 days of school and I can't wait for my year 1 to officially end! I'm so anticipating the holidays right now. Been skipping a lot of lessons.. I feel guilty. But anyways, year 2 life is definitely gonna be awesome! And obviously, I'm gonna get new classmates again! Frankly speaking, I still prefer E25J to my current classmates. I just felt that I don't connect well to my current classmates and I'm not even close to the girls in my class.. Is it my problem? Owell. Whatever it is, it has still been a nice semester 2 for the first year of my poly life :)

Shall update again soon, with photos maybe. I'm too tired to type right now. Good night! X